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Playing catch up - here's the deliveries from this season. . . so far : )

I've been pretty busy this year, as I'm sure everyone else has, but I've fallen behind with updating the blog as I've been delivering the hives, so here's a recap of the hives delivered in 2021.

Hives 9 & 10 went to Rod at Nerriga. Rod had a bunch of empty hives, so we transferred the bees into his hives and he took them home from my place. He also generously donated some of the extra hives and frames to me.

Lucky hive number 13 is now installed with John in Terrara. John is a retired Ag teacher and passionate about his gardens and veggie patch. Even better - he chose this location so that his grandkids could safely watch the bees come and go from his Flow Hive from the lounge room window. The bees were transferred with minimal fuss into John's Flow Hive.

The next generation of beekeeper! Congrats to Naomi and family in Berry for receiving hive number 14 into their beautiful looking Flow Hive. Phoebe is absolutely fearless and very excited about getting up close with their new bees.

Hives 15 and 16 were delivered to Rodd on Browns Mountain. One standard hive and a recently caught swarm to go into his top bar hive. Great location with lots of flowering plants and veggies. This is the first top bar, or Kenyan, hive I have worked with, so I'm keen to see how it goes.

Hive 17 delivered into Katie’s flow hive at Sanctuary Point. Awesome paint scheme with bees and a dragonfly coming in to check it out.

Hive 18 went to my new mate Lachy at Woolamia. Lachy’s an experienced beekeeper with two existing 10 frame hives. The smell of honey was amazing!

Hive 19 was transferred into Scott’s newly painted Flow Hive at Currarong. I ran into Scott mowing a lawn when I was hunting a swarm and found out he had this hive at home but was having trouble finding someone to provide bees. I know a lot of traditional beekeepers are opposed to Flow Hives, but I think that it’s a great way to get into beekeeping as long as you know that you still have to manage your hives.

Hive 20, delivered just before Christmas, was a gift to Jeff and Donna at Parma from their family. A great compliment to their gardens, veggie patch and chickens. Great location and the hive needed a super straight away as the brood box was already chockers!

So, as you can see, it's been a crazy busy year in 2021, and that's without COVID dramas! Looking forward to a bit of a break over Christmas and some time tending my hives at home. I've also got some hives offsite that need honey harvested, so a beekeeper's work never ends. Stay safe and here's to 2022.

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